2006 William Buckley Classic Day 1
Day 1 - Moonah Links Open Course dares our Bushrangers to give it their best
Gav (aka 'The Rose") sharpening up the flat stick.
Neil giving this everything on the practice green.
Arbeige in his new chinos.
Smokin' Joe had to turn his back on the hospitality tent.
Big Mick preparing for what would be a stella round.
Pw Jones & Lt Dick share a moment on the first tee before hitting the ceremonial first drive of the inaugural William Buuckley Classic.
Neil and Gav strike a pose. Nice hip work Gavvy.
Joe & Arbeige comparing their 'big dogs'.
Strasbourg and The Big C feeling confident as always.
Bastros and Crocko-diddio exploring the boundaries of silliness once again.
Da King and Seve, looking focussed and healthy.
Willo and Quigley paying their respects to William Buckley on the first tee.
Gavvy takes an iron for safety.
Neil shows his form in the finishing position.
Joe coming from the inside and ready to rock.
Another clssic Arbeige moment. This was a monster.
Stras showing some fancy footwork.
The Big C looking good with The Big Dog.
Bastros shows how quickly he can forget what Crocko showed him.
Crocko teaching by example and showing some nice sock work.
Da King gets things under way.
Beware the injured golfer. Seve looking in fine form after suffering a back injury that had him near deaths door in the week leading up.
Willo unleashes the Willo.
Another classic swing from the Quigley.